Note: Mod-1 is the Meta or Alt key

Main mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 0 Focus workspace 10
Mod-1 9 Focus workspace 9
Mod-1 8 Focus workspace 8
Mod-1 7 Focus workspace 7
Mod-1 6 Focus workspace 6
Mod-1 5 Focus workspace 5
Mod-1 4 Focus workspace 4
Mod-1 3 Focus workspace 3
Mod-1 2 Focus workspace 2
Mod-1 1 Focus workspace 1
Mod-1 Control Shift Left Circulate down in workspace copying current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Shift Left Circulate down in workspace moving current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Left Circulate down in workspace
Mod-1 Control Shift Right Circulate up in workspace copying current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Shift Right Circulate up in workspace moving current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Right Circulate up in workspace
Mod-1 Control Shift Down Circulate down in group copying the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Shift Down Circulate down in group moving the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Down Circulate down in group
Mod-1 Control Shift Up Circulate up in group copying the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Shift Up Circulate up in group moving the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Up Circulate up in group
Shift Escape Unhide all hidden windows into the current group
Control Escape Remove the current window in the current group
Mod-1 Control Shift Escape Destroy the current window in all groups and workspaces
Control Shift Escape Delete the current window in all groups and workspaces
Mod-1 Control B Maximize/minimize the current group
Mod-1 B Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen and redraw all groups
Mod-1 Shift Tab Rotate down windows in the current group
Mod-1 Tab Rotate up windows in the current group
Control Less Switch to editing mode
Mod-1 T Switch to editing mode
Mod-1 Control Shift Home Quit clfswm
Mod-1 F1 Open the help and info window

Second mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Shift Left Resize group left
Shift Right Resize group right
Shift Down Resize group down
Shift Up Resize group up
Left Move, pack, fill or resize group left
Right Move, pack, fill or resize group right
Down Move, pack, fill or resize group down
Up Move, pack, fill or resize group up
M Center the current group
Mod-1 L Resize down the current group
L Resize down the current group to its minimal size
R Resize group to its half width or heigth on next arraw action
Control F Fill group horizontally
Shift F Fill group vertically
Mod-1 F Fill group in all directions
F Fill group on next arrow action (fill in all directions on second f keypress)
P Pack group on next arrow action
Control Shift Y Move all windows in the current workspace to one group and remove other groups
Control Y Create a new group for each window in the current group
Mod-1 Y Reconfigure the workspace tiling for the current session
Y Tile the current workspace with the current window on one side and others on the other
Control Shift T Tile the current workspace horizontally
Control T Tile the current workspace vertically
Mod-1 D Show debuging info
Mod-1 A Force the current window to move in the group (Useful only for transient windows)
A Force the current window to move in the center of the group (Useful only for transient windows)
H start an xclock
Control E start an emacs for another user
E start emacs
C start an xterm
Mod-1 Control O Open each next window in a new group
Mod-1 O Open the next window in a new group and all others in the same group
Control O Open the next window in a numbered workspace
O Open the next window in a new workspace
Mod-1 W Remove the current workspace
W Create a new default workspace
Mod-1 G Remove the current group in the current workspace
G Create a new default group
K Remove the current window in the current group
Mod-1 K Destroy the current window in all groups and workspaces
X Open the fullscreen pager
Mod-1 B Maximize/minimize the current group
B Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen and redraw all groups
Mod-1 Shift Tab Rotate down windows in the current group
Mod-1 Tab Rotate up windows in the current group
Mod-1 Control 2 Sort workspaces by numbers
Mod-1 Control 1 Reset workspaces numbers (1 for current workspace, 2 for the second...)
Mod-1 0 Focus workspace 10
Mod-1 9 Focus workspace 9
Mod-1 8 Focus workspace 8
Mod-1 7 Focus workspace 7
Mod-1 6 Focus workspace 6
Mod-1 5 Focus workspace 5
Mod-1 4 Focus workspace 4
Mod-1 3 Focus workspace 3
Mod-1 2 Focus workspace 2
Mod-1 1 Focus workspace 1
Mod-1 Control Shift Left Circulate down in workspace copying current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Shift Left Circulate down in workspace moving current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Left Circulate down in workspace
Mod-1 Control Shift Right Circulate up in workspace copying current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Shift Right Circulate up in workspace moving current group in the next workspace
Mod-1 Right Circulate up in workspace
Mod-1 Control Shift Down Circulate down in group copying the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Shift Down Circulate down in group moving the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Down Circulate down in group
Mod-1 Control Shift Up Circulate up in group copying the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Shift Up Circulate up in group moving the current window in the next group
Mod-1 Up Circulate up in group
Shift Escape Unhide all hidden windows into the current group
Control Escape Remove the current window in the current group
Mod-1 Control Shift Escape Destroy the current window in all groups and workspaces
Control Shift Escape Delete the current window in all groups and workspaces
Control Return Leave second mode
Control < Leave second mode
Escape Leave second mode
Return Leave second mode and maximize current group
T Leave second mode and maximize current group
! Run a program from the query input
: Eval a lisp form from the query input
I Identify a key
Control G Stop all pending actions (actions like open in new workspace/group)
Mod-1 F1 Open the help and info window

Mouse buttons actions in second mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Motion Move or resize group. Move window from a group to another. Go to top left or rigth corner to change workspaces.
Mod-1 5 Circulate down in workspaces
Mod-1 4 Circulate up in workspaces
5 Rotate window down
4 Rotate window up
Control 3 Copy selected window
3 Move selected window
Control 2 Leave second mode
2 Leave second mode and maximize current group
Control 1 Copy selected group
Mod-1 1 Resize selected group
1 Move selected group or create a new group on the root window

Pager mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 Control 2 Sort workspaces by numbers
Mod-1 Control 1 Reset workspaces numbers (1 for current workspace, 2 for the second...)
Mod-1 0 Focus workspace 10
Mod-1 9 Focus workspace 9
Mod-1 8 Focus workspace 8
Mod-1 7 Focus workspace 7
Mod-1 6 Focus workspace 6
Mod-1 5 Focus workspace 5
Mod-1 4 Focus workspace 4
Mod-1 3 Focus workspace 3
Mod-1 2 Focus workspace 2
Mod-1 1 Focus workspace 1
Control Shift Right Copy the current group to the next workspace
Control Shift Left Copy the current group to the previous workspace
Shift Up Move the current window to the previous line
Shift Down Move the current window to the next line
Shift Right Move the current group to the next workspace
Shift Left Move the current group to the previous workspace
Mod-1 Control Left Resize group left
Mod-1 Control Right Resize group right
Mod-1 Control Down Resize group down
Mod-1 Control Up Resize group up
Mod-1 Left Move group left
Mod-1 Right Move group right
Mod-1 Down Move group down
Mod-1 Up Move group up
M Center the current group
Left Move cursor, pack, fill or resize group left
Right Move cursor, pack, fill or resize group right
Down Move cursor, pack, fill or resize group down
Up Move cursor, pack, fill or resize group up
Mod-1 L Resize down the current group
L Resize down the current group to its minimal size
Control F Fill group horizontally
Shift F Fill group vertically
Mod-1 F Fill group in all directions
F Fill group on next arrow action (fill in all directions on second f keypress)
Shift R Resize group on next arrow action
R Resize group to its half width or heigth on next arrow action
Shift M Move group on next arrow action
P Pack group on next arrow action
Control Shift Y Move all windows in the current workspace to one group and remove other groups
Control Y Create a new group for each window in the current group
Y Tile the current workspace with the current window on one side and others on the other
Shift T Tile the current workspace horizontally
T Tile the current workspace vertically
Mod-1 X Swap the current window with the next window
Control X Swap the current group with the next group
X Swap the current workspace with the next workspace
Mod-1 W Remove the current workspace
W Create a new default workspace
Mod-1 G Remove the current group in the current workspace
G Create a new default group
Shift Escape Unhide all hidden windows into the current group
Control Escape Remove the current window in the current group
Mod-1 Control Shift Escape Destroy the current window in all groups and workspaces
Control Shift Escape Delete the current window in all groups and workspaces
Mod-1 Shift Tab Rotate down windows in the current group
Mod-1 Tab Rotate up windows in the current group
End Select the last workspace
Home Select the first workspace
B Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen and redraw all groups
Escape Leave the pager mode
Return Leave the pager mode
Control G Stop all pending actions (actions like open in new workspace/group)
Mod-1 F1 Open the help and info window

Mouse buttons actions in pager mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Motion Select workspaces
5 Rotate down windows in selected group
4 Rotate up windows in selected group
Control 3 Copy selected window
3 Move selected window
2 Leave the pager mode
Control 1 Copy selected group
1 Move selected group

Info mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Page_up Move ten lines up
Page_down Move ten lines down
End Move to last line
Home Move to first line
Right Move one char right
Left Move one char left
Up Move one line up
Down Move one line down
Twosuperior Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen
Leave the info mode
Escape Leave the info mode
Return Leave the info mode
Q Leave the info mode

Mouse buttons actions in info mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Motion Grab text
5 Move one line down
4 Move one line up
2 Leave the info mode
1 Begin grab text