CLFSWM Corners

Here are the actions associated to screen corners in CLFSWM:


Top-Left: Open the main menu
Top-Right: Present a virtual keyboard
Bottom-Right: Present all windows in currents roots (An expose like)
Bottom-Left: ---


Top-Left: Open the help and info window
Top-Right: Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)
Bottom-Right: ---
Bottom-Left: ---


Top-Left: Hide/Unhide a terminal
Top-Right: Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)
Bottom-Right: Present all windows in all frames (An expose like)
Bottom-Left: ---


Top-Left: ---
Top-Right: ---
Bottom-Right: Present all windows in currents roots (An expose like)
Bottom-Left: ---


Top-Left: Open the help and info window
Top-Right: ---
Bottom-Right: ---
Bottom-Left: ---


Top-Left: ---
Top-Right: ---
Bottom-Right: Present all windows in all frames (An expose like)
Bottom-Left: ---

This documentation was produced with the CLFSWM auto-doc functions. To reproduce it, use the produce-corner-doc-html-in-file or the produce-all-docs function from the Lisp REPL.

Something like this:
LISP> (in-package :clfswm)
CLFSWM> (produce-corner-doc-html-in-file "my-corner.html")
CLFSWM> (produce-all-docs)